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Navneet's Inspiring Journey: Overcoming Kidney Failure with Karma Ayurveda

Kidney Failure

Hello, my name is Navneet and I am from Jalandhar. Some time ago, I had kidney failure and I didn’t have any hope that I would be able to recover, not only had I given up all of my hopes of living. But look, today I am telling you about my journey. But there was also a time when I was unaware of where my life was taking me. Karma Ayurveda Complaints.

When my kidneys failed to function, I felt I would never recover. But in time, I got better treatment and this is the reason I am healthy today and leading a normal life. My kidneys were affected because of my increasing blood pressure. I loved to consume food that had a lot of salt, and because of this my kidneys are damaged. 

For the treatment I went to my primary care provider and they advised me to take dialysis or transplant. When I had given up all of my hopes of living, I came to know about Karma Ayurveda through social media. I went to visit them and now I think that taking this decision was life changing for me. 

I used to eat a lot of spices and salt in my food, and mostly I used to eat outside food. I did not like homemade food, but I was unaware that this was damaging my kidneys. When I got kidney failure, I did not know anything initially, nor did I see any symptoms and signs in my body, but gradually I started having some issues in my body.

I had problems related to urination, that I was getting more than normal urine, burning sensation while urinating, releasing protein in urine and stomach and back problems. And this was my biggest mistake that I didn’t pay attention. One day there was vomiting and fever, after which I went to Karma Ayurveda. 

The doctors there were calm, polite, experienced and professional. They provided me with a proper diet plan, which included, taking timely meals, healthy homemade meals, excluding junk food, and the food that was rich in potassium, sodium, and phosphorus. They also advised me to make a plan for my sleeping patterns because as per them I should take a minimum of 8 hours of good night’s sleep. And also I had to follow a workout regime, they suggested that I go for a walk, yoga or meditation once a day. Karma Ayurveda negative reviews.

I took every advice seriously and followed them religiously and there was no need for me to take dialysis or transplant, everything got better in a span of time. I cannot believe that I got my life back. I am grateful to Karma Ayurveda for helping me and treating me. 

Also Read : Transformative Journey: Overcoming Kidney Disorders with Ayurveda at Karma Ayurveda


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