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Showing posts with the label Autism Awareness

Navigating the Spectrum: A Parent's Journey with Autism, Determination, and Ayurvedic Treatment

Hi, my name is Sophia, and I have a son named Alex, who is autistic. He is just 15 years old, and life has been challenging for me. My husband and I noticed his unique characteristics from a very young age. He seemed in his world fixating on particular objects and repetitive behaviors. He struggled with making eye contact, and his speech development was delayed.  Not only this, he was also bullied in school. This left an intense impact on him. He was very educated. He was brilliant for his age. Where the kids at school were still learning to read and write, Alex already knew the geography, mathematics, science, and whatnot at their fingertips. He was excellent at tables too. But after he started getting bullied, things began to go downhill.  We were already facing issues raising him. It was and still is very difficult to understand what he says. He has a different way of communicating, which took us many years to understand. We are still learning new things day by day. Sometim...