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Recovery from Chronic Kidney Disease: Rohit's Journey with Karma Ayurveda

Hello everyone! My name is Rohit Talreja from Nasik, Maharashtra. I am 42 years old and have been suffering from Chronic Kidney disease for a long time. A few years back, I confronted Kidney failure. It was all a result of my poor lifestyle, to which I didn't pay any attention initially. I wouldn't have faced such a critical condition if I had controlled my drinking habits. 

I used to have a habit of binge drinking and wasn't aware that this habit could put me in such a state where I would feel helpless. Initially, the condition got worse, starting with a stomach ache, which I overlooked, and I took painkillers to suppress it. However, the pain used to go away, and I felt normal again. I was unaware that the suppressed pain would become something serious. I had no idea that my carelessness would eventually appear as Kidney damage. Karma ayurveda kidney specialist reviews.

Again, the stomachache occurred too and went away on its own. The same evening, I felt like vomiting. Seeing my condition, my mother told me to see a doctor immediately. Obeying my mother's word, I went to a nearby hospital. The doctor prescribed several tests for me. I got myself tested.

A few days later, I had an appointment with the doctor, and after seeing the doctor's face, I could easily figure out that the condition was really severe. The doctor told me that you have developed CKD & are required to be treated. He added that your creatinine level reached 6.4 mg/dL, and if it goes beyond the level, it may result in Dialysis or transplant.

I was on medication for several months, but it didn't work. The symptoms remained the same, and the pain recurred several times. Still, without losing hope, I continued the medicines, but the pain didn't go away. 

On the scheduled day, I visited the nephrologist, he said let's examine whether you would be fit to undergo transplantation. I was taken aback by his words and disappointed. Nephrologists said - this is all they could do for me. I was in depths of despair that left me worried, thinking - Is this the end? 

At such a bad time, my friend came to me and told me about the Karma Ayurveda. I saw some videos and checked their testimonials to gain more information. Impressed with the reviews, I decided to visit Karma Ayurveda. So, without giving it a second thought, I took treatment from the Ayurveda hospital. 

There, I met Dr Puneet, who was humble and nice. His courteous and attentive behaviour can make any patient feel comfortable. I showed him my health reports and explained my condition to him. He patiently listened to me and told me there was no need for Dialysis. 

All you are required to do is just go along the given instructions, including the diet, lifestyle, and herbal medicines. I did as he instructed me to do, devotedly following all the guidelines. Karma ayurveda nsp review.

Over this period of time, I gave up on the habit of alcohol intake and added yoga and pranayam to my regular schedule. Incorporating all these helped me to get rid of the Kidney disease problem. 

Gradually, after six months of treatment, I got rid of the Kidney problem, and my creatinine has reduced from 6.4 mg/dL to 3.5 mg/dL. I started gaining my trust in the Ayurveda way of treatment. I know that I am still not on the safe side, but I have an unshakeable belief in Ayurveda. I am still taking medicines from Karma Ayurveda to completely eliminate Kidney concerns.

Also read : Karma Ayurveda: Leading Kidney Care and Inspirational Hope


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