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How Karma Ayurveda Cured My Chronic Insomnia

Karma Ayurveda

A few years back, I was in a situation where my body didn’t know how to sleep. I used to tell myself that, “ There is definitely something wrong with me.” Pills were the only thing that helped me sleep, and sometimes taking another pill was the only option. I used to hate how groggy the pills used to make me. I can’t even stop consuming them because I can’t help it. I tried stopping it several times, but I couldn’t sleep. 

Every other night I used to suffer in silence. I couldn’t understand what I was supposed to do in this darkness of night. There were nights when I could only sleep for 3-4 hours, even after taking the pills. There were hardly any ‘good mornings’ left in my life. I used to wake up anxious about the night ahead every other morning. Dr puneet dhawan patient reviews.

I never went to the doctor but only searched about the cures on the internet. I am not recommending you to do the same. As they say, ‘Internet knowledge destroys you.’ is 100% true. 

Insomnia was not my childhood enemy. Until I was ten years old, I used to have trouble sleeping, but as I entered adulthood, I was a heavy sleeper. But when I turned 30, something happened in my life, and bs tabse hi problems started. At night I used to keep thinking about my fate, or fir shayd vaha se hi body ko habit ho gai. Din mein, I used to stay busy with work, but nights were the most difficult. 

Then one fine day, I decided that too much is too much. I need to stop it as it has been causing a lot of trouble. Many physicians also told me to keep taking the pills as they caused no harm, but I knew this was just a scam and nothing else. I started looking for good doctors for myself. I knew I would need a lot of dedication and I would need to be strong, but I was ready for it. 

Hi, my name is Sarah, and let me share my story with you of how Ayurveda, to be precise, how Karma Ayurveda helped me to cure my insomnia. 

For several years I suffered from Chronic Insomnia. It affected my daily sleep, further affecting my daily life, mood, and overall well-being. She tried various medications, therapies, and sleep aids, but nothing seemed to provide a lasting solution. Frustrated and desperate for relief, Sarah decided to explore alternative approaches to her condition. 

One day a close friend of mine suggested Karma Ayurveda, known for its holistic approach to health and well-being. Intrigued by the idea of a natural remedy, I decided to give it a try, hoping that Ayurveda might offer me some relief from her sleepless nights. 

She then sought advice from an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner, who thoroughly assessed her physical and mental health, lifestyle, and sleep patterns. Based on this evaluation, the Ayurvedic doctor determined that my insomnia was primarily caused by an imbalance of the Vata dosha, which governs the Ayurveda's movement and nervous system functions. 

The doctors at Karma Ayurveda prescribed some personalized treatment plans that included various natural remedies and lifestyle adjustments to restore balance to her Vata dosha. Given below is an overview of the Ayurvedic approach that I followed:

  1. Dietary changes

I was asked to incorporate warm, nourishing foods like soup, stews, and cooked vegetables into her diet. She was also encouraged to reduce her intake of caffeine, spicy food, and processed sugars, which can aggravate Vata. 

  1. Herbal Supplements 

The Ayurvedic doctor recommended specific herbal supplements such as Ashwagandha and Brahmi to support her nervous system and promote relaxation. 

  1. Daily routine 

Sarah was advised to follow a consistent daily routine that included waking up and going to bed at the same time each day to regulate her body’s internal clock.

  1. Yoga and meditation

To calm her mind and reduce stress, I was encouraged to practice gentle yoga and meditation regularly

  1. Aromatherapy 

I used calming essential oils, such as lavender and chamomile, to create a relaxing atmosphere during her bedtime routine.

  1. Abhyanga 

She received regular Abhyanga, an Ayurvedic oil massage, to relax her body and mind. 

As I diligently followed the Ayurvedic treatment plan, I began to notice significant improvements in my sleep patterns. Gradually, my insomnia symptoms reduced, and I started experiencing more restful nights. My overall sense of well-being improved, and I felt more energetic and focused during the day. Karma ayurveda reviews.

Over time, I used to take a good night’s sleep with good quality, and I eventually overcame my chronic insomnia. I am grateful for the life-changing results achieved through Ayurveda. Karma Ayurveda has saved my life and has given me a new life. I will always continue to follow the lifestyle told, even though I am completely cured now. 

Also Read : Kidney Disease: Don't Let It Control Your Life


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