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From Desperation to Recovery: My Journey with Kidney Disease and Ayurvedic Healing

Ayurveda healing

Hello, my name is Ravi Kapoor, and I belong to Chandigarh, Punjab. I had a kidney disease and faced severe symptoms like breathing difficulty, loss of appetite, blood in the pee, insomnia, etc. Due to the disease, my life had become hell. I was going through a bad phase in my life, but the good thing about this was my family stood by my side. My wife took me to the allopathic hospital. I had taken the treatment for several months, but it didn’t work. The situation worsened, and when it worsened, my doctor prescribed dialysis for me. The dialysis started, and still, my health was not improving. I tried Ayurvedic treatment from Karma Ayurveda Hospital and got fine within a few months. It began merely with a symptom of ill health, but as they were minor, I ignored it. I encountered worse health issues as I faced breathing difficulty, appetite loss, and insomnia. My health was deteriorating, so my wife and I visited the nearby hospital. The following day we visited the city hospital and met with a doctor. The doctor was polite and understanding. He asked me to get the tests done to determine the disease's root cause. We heard all of the instructions carefully and followed them. We visited the hospital the next day and completed my KFT and other tests to determine my disease. A week later, my KFT and other tests report came, and after seeing my test report, he told me I had kidney disease, and it was at an advanced stage. He prescribed several medicines to me. Karma ayurveda patient reviews.

For about two months, I took medicines, but my health was not improving. The doctor advised me to do a transplant and dialysis. I became scared after hearing this, so I chose another treatment alternative, Ayurveda. It was a difficult decision that I was going to take. This could have put my life at risk. We made the appointment with a kidney specialist, Dr Puneet. After consulting the doctor, he consoled that you would be okay if you carefully followed the diet and medicines.
I did the same as Dr Puneet said. I took all the medicines prescribed to me on time. I followed a renal diet carefully, and family members helped me to follow the schedule. After that, within 20 days, I found improvement in my condition. The treatment went on for around four months. I am glad that I escaped the condition and am now feeling well. A heartfelt thanks to Dr. Puneet and his team for providing me with the best treatment. Dr. Puneet Dhawan Reviews.


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